- Past Layouts
B i l l y C r a w f o r [Version 5]
Info: Layout was made with I-frames, and was really light, which I absolutely love!
Rating: 9.5/10 Online: 14 April 2004 // ??
Version 4.0 - BILLYCRAWFORD.ORG___[Version 4.0 ]
Info: Used i-frames for this layout, and used the new scans for the topicture. I LOVE this layout!
Rating: 9/10 Online: 9 April 2004 // 14 April 2004
Version 3.0 - Billy Crawford [dot] ORG_____[Version 3.0]_____A Billy Crawford Fansite_____3 Wishes_____
Info: Used i-frames for this layout, it doesnt really have a toppicture, it's just a few pictures set up as a blend.
Rating: 8/10 Online: 1 April 2004 // 9 April 2004
Version 2.0 - - You're Number One Source for Billy Joe Crawford!
Info: The layout was the same set-up as the previous one, just edited the pictures and colors, and that's it actually!
Rating: 7/10 Online: 4 March 2004 // 1 April 2004
Version 1.0 - - Your No.1 Source for Billy Joe Crawford!
Info: The site was made with tables this time. I usually use layers or i-frames.
The site just had a relaunch from Geocties to my own domainname, so it
just a temp. layout, but well, everyone loved it so I used it for a while.
Rating: 7.5/10 Online: 12 Feb. 2004 / 4 March 2004